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    Creativity and Wisdom Yew Wah Science Fair

    School News

    01 Apr, 2019

    10 : 00

    • YWIES Beijing for the first time organised Science Fair for students to display their scientific investigation into various topics of astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology and so on. Inspired by daily observation and equipped with theories, students drove their own experiments and applied their findings to the real life. Students from different year levels and their parents were invited to the Science Fair to discuss with the participating students about their projects. The Fair provided an opportunity for students to learn to ask questions, make hypothesis, try investigation approach and discuss scientific investigation.

      In the Science Fair, students presented their projects with details. They were keen to explain their thoughts and findings to the attendees. Their enthusiasm towards science impressed all the guests and parents. Yew Wah hopes to nurture independent and proactive spirit of inquiry in our students. We plant a seed of inquiry in students’ minds which will prompt them to carry on researching ideas and questioning the world around them from a scientific perspective. Hopefully, every student can understand the world through science.

      Congratulations to all the participating students in our first Science Fair. We highly appreciate the support given by parents to their children in encouraging them to pursue their goals. Such support plays a valuable part in the education of our future leaders.